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Tennessee Senators and Representatives

Posted almost 9 years ago by Dr. Irene Bean, FNAP, FAANP, FAAN

This announcement has 2 attachments:


Now is your time to become involved with politics.  Please do not shy away from this opportunity to have your voice heard!!!

If you are interested in speaking to your legislators about why you feel it is important to adopt Full Practice Authority in Tennessee, I urge you to team up with two (2) or three (3) other practitioners and meet with your local representative.  We do not want to wait until January when session is in.  We must educate the legislators early and often.

Please assist me by contacting your legislator.  If you need to have talking points for the meeting, please let me know as soon as possible.  If you would like for me to help find a partner to attend a meeting with you, please let me know.  

I have attached a list of the House Health Subcommittee and Senate Health and Welfare Committee Members.  

Please contact me with any questions or concerns:


We are One Voice with One Mission!!